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Informatikk notater


  • How does the internet work?
  • Basic HTML
  • CSS
  • XML, Javascript & the DOM
  • Web servers and web browsers

This is a very hands on course with both exercises and projects

5 assignments (4 out of 5 HAVE to be passed)

Final Exam (100% of your grade)

  • P0 Getting Started
  • P1 Project Requirements (10% of project grade)
  • P2

How does the internet work?

  • Transmission Control Protocol / Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
  • Addresses
  • Human names Domain Name System (DNS)


TCP/IP is not a protocol, its a layered set of protocols Ethernet is a physical protocol

Example Protocols


  • Protocol
  • Packets
  • Application Layer

Basic HTML

Tag Elements

Opening and closing tags

<p> </p>

Body, Head, and Title

  • <body> contains the content
  • <head> contains metadata


  • provide additional information about the contents of an element. They appear on the opening tag of the elemtn and are made up of two parts: a name & a value


  • HTML pages are text documents
  • HTML uses tags, tags are often referred to as elements
  • Tags usually comes in pairs


XML, Javascript & the DOM

Web Servers and Web Browsers